ALRT_-15971_ABM No About.txt Bounds: x1=36, y1=62, x2=364, y2=224 Items ID: -15971 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: false (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: false (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: false (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: false ALRT_-15975_2-liner.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=280, y2=190 Items ID: -15975 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: false (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: false (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: false (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: false ALRT_-15976_FOS Save Changes DA QUIT!.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=320, y2=175 Items ID: -15976 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: false (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: false (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: false (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: false Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center) ALRT_-15977_Unsupported Compression Type.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=350, y2=130 Items ID: -15977 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true ALRT_-15979_Not Enough Mem to Cont 1801.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=346, y2=150 Items ID: -15979 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center) ALRT_-15983_MissingTIFF.txt Bounds: x1=22, y1=44, x2=338, y2=168 Items ID: -15983 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: false (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: false (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: false (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: false ALRT_-15984_Misc. Error.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=340, y2=130 Items ID: -15984 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true ALRT_-15985_Not Enough Memory.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=290, y2=130 Items ID: -15985 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true ALRT_-15986_File Save Error.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=340, y2=130 Items ID: -15986 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true ALRT_-15987_No 32 Bit QD.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=350, y2=150 Items ID: -15987 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true ALRT_-15988_ShowMemOpenError 910.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=348, y2=162 Items ID: -15988 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center) ALRT_-15989_Could Not Open.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=340, y2=130 Items ID: -15989 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true ALRT_-15995_FOS Save Changes? 700.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=320, y2=175 Items ID: -15995 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: false (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: false (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: false (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: false ALRT_-15997_Opening locked doc.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=364, y2=192 Items ID: -15997 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center) ALRT_-15998_No Print Driver 1900.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=370, y2=138 Items ID: -15998 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center) ALRT_-15999_Not Enough Mem to Run 1800.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=314, y2=132 Items ID: -15999 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: true (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: true (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: true (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: true Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center) ALRT_-16000_I_O Err Alert 911.txt Bounds: x1=12, y1=36, x2=357, y2=141 Items ID: -16000 (4) bold #: false (4) drawn: true (4) snd high: false (4) snd low: false (3) bold #: false (3) drawn: true (3) snd high: false (3) snd low: false (2) bold #: false (2) drawn: true (2) snd high: false (2) snd low: false (1) bold #: false (1) drawn: true (1) snd high: false (1) snd low: false Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center)